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Charters of the Abbey of Coupar Angus, Vol. II, Charter CXXIV (No. 124), 22 April 1418

Charters of the Abbey of Coupar Angus, Vol. II, Charter CXXIV (No. 124), 22 April 1418
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22 April, 1418.
In nomine domini amen per hoc presens publicum instrumentum cunctis pateat euidenter quod anno . . . millesimo quadringentesimo decimo octauo secundum cursum ecclesie Scoticane indictione vndecima ac mensis Aprilis die vicesima secunda pontificatus . . . Benedicti pape xiii anno vicesimoquarto In mei notarii publici et testium subscriptorum presencia personaliter constituti . . . domini Adam de Abirden prior claustralis monasterii de Scona et Henricus de aula canonicus et camerarius 12 dicti monasterii procuratores et procuratorio nomine .. abbatis et conuentus monasterii de Scona ordinis sancti Augustini Sanctiandree diocesis ab vna parte et . . . domini Adam de Dufton et Willelmus bell monachi monasterii de Cupro procuratores et procuratio nomine . . . Abbatis et Conuentus dicti monasterii de Cupro ordinis Cisterciensis dictc Sanctiandree diocesis a parte altera comparuerunt coram . . . magistris Johanne de Scheues licentiato in decrctis Rectore ecclesie de Aberbuthnot et officiali curie Sanctiandree et vniuersitatis emsdem tunc temporis Rectore Patricio de Spaldyng legum professore decano Aberdonensi Ricardo de Cornel decretorum doctore archidiacono laudonie in ecclesia Sanctiandree et Johanne lauerok magistro in artibus et licentiato in decretis arbitris et compromissariis judicibus per dictos abbates et monasteriorum conuentus concorditer electis in domo capitulari Cathedralis ecclesie Sanctiandree super interpretatione seu declaratione quorundam dubiorum sibi reseruatis in quadam sententia arbitrali per eosdem publice lata faciendis congregatis coram quibus dominis judicibus compromisariis procuratorcs dicti monasterii de Cupro apparuerunt et proposuerunt quod per dictam sententiam arbitralem certificari non poterant ubi suam pensionem in predicta sententia arbitrali nominatam recipere debuerant benignam interpretationem siue declarationem super hoc fieri humiliter postulabant lnsuper petebant predicti procuratores monasterii de Cupro per dictos judices interpretari seu declarari utrum villa seu terre de persys in suis spiritualibus ad ipsos uel ad monasterium de Scona debeat pertinere procuratoribus aduerse partis respondentibus predictam sententiam arbitralem satis esse claram et nulla interpretatione seu declaratione amplius indigere / et auditis allegationibus et rationibus vtriusque partis remotisque eisdem partibus habita super premissis per eosdem judices matura deliberatione et paulopost partis ipsis conuocatis / . . . magister patricius de Spaldyng unus dictorum compromissariorum nomine suo auctoritate ac mandatoque speciali dictorum consociorum suorum judicum compromissariorum interpretando declarauit / pre- 13dictos Abbatem et Conuentum monasterii de Scona annuam pensionem per eosdem debitam de terminis transactis virtute sue arbitralis sententie publice late predictis Abbati et Conuentui monasterii de Cupro infra octo dies datam presentis instrumenti proxime sequentes realiter persoluere apud monasterium de Cupro antedictum et quod perpetuis futuris temporibus predicti Abbas et conuentus monasterii de Scona de dicta annua pensione videlicet duabus marcis cum dimidia in dicta arbitrali sententia nominatis singulis annis ad terminos pentecostes et sancti martini in yeme proportionaliter videlicet sexdecim solidos et octo denarios ad quemlibet terminum uel infra octo dies dictos terminos et eorum quemlibet proxime et immediate sequentes predicto Abbati de Cupro qui pro tempore fuerit aut ipsius certis deputatis apud monasterium de Cupro supradictum per ipsos uel procuratores suos satisfaciant realiter et sine fraude competenter sub pena in sententia arbitrali contenta et si dictus Abbas de Cupro aut deputati ab eo apud dictum monasterium de Cupro in termino solucionis apprehendi non possint ad dictam pensionem recipiendam quod procurator Abbatis et conuentus de Scona huiusmodi pensionem differens ad monasterium antedictum habeat ipsam offerre coram certis testibus et si nulli sint presentes procurationem habentes ad recipiendam huiusmodi pensionem ilia vice duntaxat abbas et conuentus monasterii de Cupro venient per se vel procuratores suos ad monasterium de Scona pro huiusmodi pensione ibidem recipienda / lnsuper quo ad peticionem dictorum procuratorum monasterii de Cupro de le persys prefatus magister patricius nomine suo et aliorum sociorum judicum compromissariorum pronunciant eorum sentenciam arbitralem antedictam in se claram et validam fore et ampliore declaratione super hoc nullatenus indigere Super quibus omnibus et singulis per eosdem judices compromissarios et per prefatum magistrum patricium eorum nomine superius dictis factis et recitatis prefati procuratores et eorum quilibet pro se per me notarium publicum sibi fieri petierunt presens publicum instrumentum Acta fuerunt hec apud Sanctumandream in 14domo capitulari cathedralis ecclesie eiusdem hora quasi decima ante meridiem anno indictione etc. . . . supradictis presentibus . . . Johanne de Myrtone et Johanne Stephani burgensibus burgi de Cupro Roberto byset et Henrico de Ramsay testibus ad premissa vocatis et rogatis.
Et ego Simon de lystoun clericus Sanctiandree diocesis auctoritate Imperiali notarius etc. . . . .

Three seals affixed.   End.: Declaratio arbitrorum ubi et quando annuam pensionem viz. duarum marcarum cum dimidia pro minutis decimis de Banqwory Crugwy et Clarwat Canonici de scona abbati et conuentui de Cupro sub cuncta pena in arbitrali sententia contenta annuatim persoluere deberent infra monasterium de cupro et non alibi infra octo dies ad festa pentecostes et sancti martini sub pena centum librarum.
Moray Charters, Box 32, Div. IV, Bundle I, No. 42.
Notarial instrument recording the finding of arbiters on a question raised by Coupar, viz. whether the township of Persys should belong, in spirituals, to them or Scone, to the effect that Scone should pay to Coupar within eight days the annual pensio due by them for the past terms, in accordance with this arbitral sentence, and that for the future Scone should pay this, viz. two and a half marks, yearly to Coupar.
The occasion of the arbitration revealed in the present writ was one of the frequent controversies between Coupar and Scone arising out of the fact that they held adjoining lands and often had interests in the same parish or territory (see Introduction, p. xxxvi). But the provenance of this particular charter is somewhat obscure. The lands of Persie (Parthesin) were confirmed to Coupar by Alexander II (No. xxv). How it came about that Scone was liable for a pensio to Coupar from them cannot be precisely ascertained from existing records. The endorsement of the present charter, however, speaks of the annual pensio as derived from the small teinds of Banchory, Crugwy and Clarwat, i.e. Banchory, to the W. of Coupar-Angus; Creuchies, N.E. of Blairgowrie; and Clayquhat, on the right bank of the Black Water, at the S. end of Glenshee. In 1225, Coupar and Scone made an agreement whereby the latter conceded to the former and their chaplain of Bendochy all the small teinds and offerings of the villani and servants 'de Benchori de Kynclatin et de Crochin' (Scon, 83). This may, in the intervening years, have been commuted to an annual payment from Persie. Further, a charter of Henry, bishop of St. Andrews, 1 July, 1429, contributes the information that Persie, originally in the parish of Blair, was 15transferred to the parish of Bendochy by agreement between the abbots of Coupar and Scone (ibid., 209). The church of Bendochy was held by Coupar from 1221 (see No. xxxiii) ; but, in 1356, William, bishop of St. Andrews, sanctioned the exchange by Scone of the church of Carrington for the more adjacent church of Blair (ibid., 176); and it was in the interest of the latter abbey to secure that church's revenues. The previous agreement, according to bishop Henry's charter, was annulled (not earlier than Feb., 1390/1) after arbitration which established that Persie was in the parish of Blair. It is possible that the question of whose were the spiritualia arose out of this decision.
Adam de Abirden prior claustralis monasterii de Scona et Henricus de aula canonicus et camerarius dicti monasterii : Not found elsewhere.
Adam de Dufton et Willemus bell monachi monasterii de Cupro: Not mentioned elsewhere.
(Magistro) Johanne de Scheues licentiato in decretis Rectore ecclesie de Aberbuthnot et officiali curie Sanctiandree et universitatis . . . Rectore:
John Scheves is one of the ' scholars of Scotland ' granted a safe-conduct to study at Oxford, 12 Sept., 1393 (Bain, Calendar, iv. 455), although his name has not been found in Oxford records. He was a prominent ecclesiastic of the period. He appears as official, 22 Dec., 1413. (RPSA., p. 18). His petition to the pope, as licentiate in canon law, official and rector of St Andrews university and councillor of Robert, duke of Albany, for a canonry and prebend of Glasgow and the archdeaconry of Teviotdale, notwithstanding he holds Arbuthnot, is granted, 15 June, 1418 (CPR., Pet., i. p. 609); and, on 26 Jan., 1418/19, he is provided to this canonry and another of Aberdeen (ibid., Letters, vii. p. 102). On 7 Sept., 1419, he has provision of the canonry of Rhynie in Moray, although he has the church of Arbuthnot, St. Mary Magdalene's hospital at Musselburgh and provision of the vicarage of lnnerleithen (Supplies., p. 123). A supplication of the same date mentions that he has renounced possession of the archdeaconry of Teviotdale to which he had been provided by Benedict XIII (ibid., p. 124) ; but, on 13 Sept., as doctor of decrees, he had rehabilitation in the benefices granted him by that anti-pope (ibid., p. 126). As canon of Moray he is a papal mandatory, 23 Aug., 1419 (CPR., vii. p. 114). On 2 Aug., 1420, he was one of the three emissaries to intimate Scotland's adherence to Martin V (Copiale, pp. 24, 27). John de Scheves, clerk register, who witnesses a crown charter, 18 July, 1426 (RMS, ii. 54), and appears frequently in that capacity, is regarded by the editor of RMS. as a different person ; but this would seem to be an error. The present witness has a safe-conduct as one of the Scots ambassadors to Rome, 9 June 1425 (Bain, Calendar, iv. 979), and also to come to Hawdenstank, 15 June, 1429 (ibid., iv. 1029). Master John Scheves is auditor of Exchequer, 15 April, 1426 (Exch. Rolls, iv. p. 400), and-as canon of Glasgow and clerk register-on the following 2 May (ibid., iv. p. 428). As official, he was collector, along with Waiter Bower, of the tax imposed by the Crown, c. 1433 (Extracta, p. 228). Scheves was an envoy to Durham, 1 May, 1444 (Bain, Calendar, iv. 1162). We find him as official-general 16witnessing an agreement between the university and the citizens of St. Andrews, 6 May, 1444 (UCR., iii. p. 178), and in the same capacity, 6 May, 1448 (REB., i. 62). As clerk register, doctor of decrees and canon of Glasgow and Aberdeen, he is auditor of Exchequer, 16 July, 1441 (Exch. Rolls, v. p. 108), and at intervals till 7 July, 1455 (ibid., vi. p.1). See further Copiale, pp. 378-9. A later John Scheves appears, Benefices, pp. 250, 290. Patricio de Spaldyng legum professore decano Aberdonensi: On 28 May, 1387, the petition of Patrick de Spaldyng, student in arts at Paris, for a canonry of Brechinis granted (CPR., Pet., i. p. 568). As M.A. and student of civil law (at Avignon) and subdeacon, he petitions for and is granted a canonry of Aberdeen, although he has the church of Lundy, canonries of Moray and Dunkeld and the prebend of Old Roxburgh in Glasgow, 9 Aug., 1394 (ibid., Pet., i. p. 578). Likewise, on 29 Oct. of the same year, he petitions for and is granted a benefice in the gift of Lindores (ibid., Pet., i. p. 593). On 15 Sept., 1402, he petitions for a canonry of Brechin, notwithstanding he has the precentorship of Dunkeld, and this benefice is granted him (ibid., Pet., i. p. 618). As dean, he witnesses a charter, 16 May, 1406 (Spalding Club Mise., v. p. 254); and, on 4 April, 1407, subscribes a charter as dean along with his chapter (REA., i. p. 211). On 20 July, 1415, he is granted, on his petition, the perpetual vicarage of Ellon (CPR., Pet., i. p. 603); and, on 14 Feb., 1415/16, is stated to have a dispensation to hold a canonry of Moray and the church of Lundy and seeks successfully confirmation of a canonry, prebend and the deanery of Brechin (ibid., Pet., i. p. 602). A petition of James Lindsay seeks provision of the deanery of Aberdeen, said to be void through Spalding's holding it, undispensed, together with Ellon, 17 July, 1419 (Supplies., p. 89). A papal letter, 30 Aug., 1422, refers to the canonry of Brechin void by the recent death of Spalding at Rome (CPR., viii. p. 242), and the deanery of Aberdeen is said to be void for the same reason, 27 Oct., 1423 (Benefices, p. 87).
Ricardo de Cornel decretorum doctore archidiacono laudonie : The queen of Scotland's petition on behalf of her chaplain, Richard de Cornell, for a canonry of Dunkeld, despite his holding the vicarage of Musselburgh, is granted at Avignon, 28 March, 1385 (CPR., Pet., i. p. 566). He appears, 19-23 Oct., 1394, as a petitioner for a benefice in the gift of the bishop, prior and chapter of St. Andrews (ibid., Pet. i. p. 526); and, 25 July, 1404, as bachelor of canon law, lecturing at Avignon, he supplicates for the vicarage of Dundee (four miles from his birthplace), which is granted (ibid., Pet., i. p. 627). Again, 6 April, 1405, as rector of Ecclesmachan and licentiate in civil law, he is, successfully, a petitioner for the rectory of St. Mary's, Arran (ibid., Pet., i. p. 626). He is the subject of a petition, granted, 14 July, 1408, for the archdeaconry of Lothian, notwithstanding he has the archdeaconry of Dunkeld and the canonry of Erskine in Glasgow (ibid., Pet., i. p. 638). On 22 March, 1419, the former archdeaconry and, on 1 May of that year, the canonry and prebend of Carstairs in Glasgow are said to be void by his death (Supplies., pp. 26, 37).
Johanne lauerok magistro in artibus et licentiato in decretis : Laverock 17determined at Paris, 1401 (Auct. Chart. Univ. Paris., i. col. 840) ; incepted, 1403 (ibid., i. col. 859); petitions, as on roll of that university, M.A., student of canon law, for a benefice in the gift of Dunfermline, which is granted, 18 Oct., 1403 (CPR., Pet., i. p. 627); appears at congregations of the English nation, 22 Feb., 1405/6 (Auct. Chart. Univ. Paris., i. col. 896), and 18 Nov., 1407 (ibid., ii. col. 21) ; makes a supplication at a congregation of the university, 6 March, 1408/9 (ibid., ii. col. 23); substitute for the procurator of the English nation, 9 March, 1408/9 (ibid., ii. col. 23); surety for a debt at a congregation of that nation, 14 Jan., 1412/13 (ibid., ii. col. 114); has a payment on his behalf recorded, 1417 (ibid., ii. col. 216).
Persys : Persie. See supra and note to No. xxv.
Johanne de Myrtone et Johanne Stephani burgensibus burgi de Cupro :
These witnesses are not found elsewhere. It is probable, as the instrument was signed at St. Andrews, that they were burgesses of Cupar-Fife.
Roberto byset: Robert Bisset of Kynneff is mentioned, 1 April, 1448 (REB., i. 61, 83) ; but there is nothing that enables us to identify him with the present witness.
Henrico de Ramsay: Henry Ramsay, who witnesses an instrument of sasine in favour of Alexander Ramsay of Colluthie, 3 Dec., 1416 (Carnegies, ii. p. 508, No. 59), appears in a precept of sasine for infefting him, as son and heir of Alexander Ramsay of Colluthie, in the lands of Leuchars, 28 Aug., 1428 (ibid., ii. p. 510, No. 61). Henry Ramsay of Culuthy appears till 6 Oct., 1457 (Dunfermelyn, 452). A somewhat later Henry Ramsay - of Newtibbir -appears, 18 Dec., 1455 (Aberbrothoc, ii. 104), to 25 June, 1474 (ibid., ii. 192). There was also a cleric of that name, deceased a. 8 Aug., 1418, who held the hospital of St. Germain's (Supplies., p. 13, etc.). The first of these is probably the present witness.
Simon de lystoun . . . . notarius: Witnesses transumpts, 11 Feb., 1410/11, and 22 Dec., 1413 (RPSA., pp. 14, 18); attests letters regarding the privileges of St. Andrews university, 27 Feb., 1411/12 (RMS., ii. 200 = UCR., iii. p. 17 4), and appears as a notary in a university transaction, 7 May, 1419 (Copiale, p. 456).

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